ADMINISTERING MEDICATION POLICY If your child needs to take medication prescribed by a doctor, please discuss this with the manager. We will need you to sign an additional permission form.
In some cases, a child on antibiotics may be asked not to attend for 24 hours in case they react to the medication and to prevent the spread of an infection to others. This particularly applies if the child has not had the antibiotics before. All medicine given to the setting to administer must be in its original bottle/container and not decanted. It must have the manufacturer's guidelines on it and, if a prescription medication, the details from the doctor/pharmacy. Staff will ensure that all medication given to the setting is stored correctly and staff will check that it is still within its expiry date before administering. Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and any other pain relief will only be given to a child if they are teething or if their temperature is high and a parent is on their way to collect the child. If children are having to have Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and any other pain relief regularly throughout the day they are not well enough to attend nursery. If the child arrives at nursery having taken Calpol, Ibuprofen or any other pain relief they will not be able to come into the setting. If your child has a self-held medication (for example, a schoolchild with a self-administered inhaler), please obtain an additional one to be kept at the setting. If your child has acute allergies and needs an epi-pen, please discuss the matter with the manager, as we will need an epi-pen at the setting at all times when the child is present. The EYFS Framework states that medicines must only be given to a child where the setting has written permission to do so. When a child joins Wild Monkeys Childcare, we will request permission to administer common non-prescription medicines if required, such as infant paracetamol or teething gel. If we do not have written permission, we will be unable to administer these medications. We will only administer non-prescription medicine if it is clear that it is in the child’s best interests, and if the child is unwell, we may send them home rather than administer medication. Staff will record all medication administered and request a parental signature at the end of each day. The permission form will be regularly reviewed to ensure that there are no changes, for example a child may no longer be able to take some medication or may need an additional form. However, we ask that parents inform us as soon as possible if a child is no longer able to be administered a particular medication. Even if you have signed a form, the manager may still contact you by telephone to check that staff can administer this medication. This is to protect your child, you, and the setting. It is vital that you inform the manager of any medication you may have given your child before they arrive into our care. The manager needs to know what medicine they have had, the dose and time given. You will need to provide the manager with the non-prescription medicine, and it must be in its original packaging/bottle/tube. Staff will NOT administer medication if your child has not taken it previously in case of an allergic reaction. If you have any concerns regarding medication, please do not hesitate to discuss them with the manager. On outings, any long-term medications will be taken with us and administered according to the instructions of parents/carers, e.g. asthma inhalers. |